The Lab Lit List

The Lab Lit List

Lab lit fiction depicts realistic scientists as central characters and portrays fairly realistic scientific practice or concepts, typically taking place in a realistic—as opposed to speculative or future—world.


The Girl Pretending To Read Rilke

Drama: A young woman’s struggles to begin a career in bioscience amid the backlash from a fateful telegram.

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The New York Times Book Review

Double Helix, Single Guy

Reposted from The New York Times Book Review

A review of GENES, GIRLS, AND GAMOW by James D. Watson

By Barbara Ehrenreich

[…] Surely somewhere along the way someone must have pointed out to him, rather sharply, one would expect, that he was helping create a hostile environment for young women struggling to be taken seriously as scientists -- like the biochemistry-student heroine of Barbara Riddle's fine autobiographical novel, “The Girl Pretending to Read Rilke.”